MC/SUT into Line Level

Hello fellow enthusiasts.. My apologies for the noob question here, but I did try to search online regarding the use of the line stage for my MC/SUT setup, but did not yield any results to what I'm looking for.

My set up: Rega P3 (2016) > DV20X2L > Bob's Device SKY20 > Doge 8 Clarity (2017) (stock line tubes, Mullard's phono tubes).

Doge 8's line level is excellent, and I'm wondering why I couldn't utilize the line level for my MC/SUT setup? What potential damage or issues if I do so? Thought I'd ask first before trying it out myself, as I don't want a costly mistake.

The goal is to have a lower noise floor. Its currently acceptable under phono stage, but again, I am just wondering if it can further improve without adding/changing gear, as I am happy with the Doge 8 and its line level.

Thank you everyone, and looking forward to any input.

Showing 1 response by pratorious

If I understand your question correctly you will still need to add an external  phono preamp stage to your line level input with the SUT.

This may indeed give you the results you are looking for depending on the phono preamp you choose and its synergy with the rest of your set up. Worth a try if you have the money and space for another component.