MBL 101 X-Treme MKII

Hello fellow audiophiles,

I'm thrilled to share that our Hi-Fi shop, nestled in the vibrant heart of New Orleans, Louisiana, has recently embarked on an exciting new chapter. Last year, we expanded into a more spacious venue, significantly enhancing our ability to showcase a wider array of exceptional audio equipment.

Among our curated selection, we proudly introduced the MBL 126 speakers, perfectly complemented by the c51 and c41. This setup alone has elevated the listening experiences for our clients, allowing the nuanced details of music to shine through.

However, the crown jewel of our collection resides in our dedicated listening room—the awe-inspiring MBL 101 X-treme system. This auditory marvel is powered by four 9011 amplifiers and controlled by the 6010D preamp, with the 1621 CD transport and 1611 DAC ensuring each note is delivered with unmatched clarity and depth.

It's an honor to announce that we are one of only four dealers in the country to have the MBL 101 X-tremes on display. Offering such a high-caliber listening experience is not just a milestone for our shop; it's a testament to our commitment to delivering the pinnacle of audio excellence to our community.

Experiencing music through the MBL 101 X-treme system is not just listening; it's an immersive journey into the heart of sound itself. We invite you to visit our shop and explore the unparalleled depth, clarity, and emotional resonance that this system offers.

Join us in celebrating this remarkable addition to our shop and the Hi-Fi community. We're located in the lively city of New Orleans, a place as rich in culture as we are in sound. Discover the ultimate audio experience with us.


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