Mazzy loves Little Feat!


If you don’t (yet), her’s a primer on this great American musical institution:


While I’m at it, here’s another. Well, 3/4th’s American anyway; Nick Lowe is English. Little Village (just a coincidence ;-) live is one of the greatest musical experiences of my life. One of the few "Super Groups" (John Hiatt, Ry Cooder, Nick Lowe, Jim Keltner) who in my book actually lives up to that title. Their single album was a disappointment, they were better as a group on John Hiatt’s fantastic Bring The Family album. Here they are on The Tonight Show, the only time I can remember in which the musical guest is given the time to perform two songs:



Showing 3 responses by wolf_garcia

A former Blue Cheer groupie nursed me through a bad acid trip. True. I'm forever grateful. I saw Blue Cheer play in a nice little arena in Honolulu and thought it was sort of insane...3 Marshall stacks each for the bass and guitar resulting in a sonic mess (in the late 60's, pre metal amp heaps). Those guys must have gone deaf. Haven't thought about that in years. Another great SF band was the Sons of Champlain. Horns, great singing, and killer  musicianship all around.

Little Feat were not a "jam band" which explains their dynamic shows. George wouldn't participate with the extended synth ("Day or Night" maybe) song as he didn't think it fit...he sang every note pretty much exactly as recorded originally, and his solos live were also very arranged. He was an inspiration (I've been a singer/songwriter since the late 60s, and my L.A. based cohorts as well as myself thought Feat were amazing) and I saw Feat live a few times...I love his solo album. George was a serious and intense studio nerd who labored over every note. His astonishing drummer Richie Hayward was killer's interesting that some of Feat's biggest fans were English like Zep and the Stones (also Feat were known as basically the hottest live rock and roll act of the 70s). He famously refused to let Mick sit in with 'em at a live show as he thought MIck's harmonica playing sucked.

In spite of Bonnie being a serious Lowell devotee she actually tossed him out of his producer role on one of her albums when he wanted to play a solo somewhere and she insisted she should play it. Strange but true.