Maybe this is the winter you build something!

Hey it's me. Just reminding you to please consider building something this winter.  From a new power cable to speakers, maybe new acoustic panels you DIY or even speakers or a sweet preamp kit.

You'll have a lot of fun, and learn a ton.

It's weird to me that when I suggest Audiophiles might enjoy building stuff themselves I get flack.  "I don't like that! Stop promoting DIY! It will never be as good!"

Whatever. I think building is fun and educational. 


Showing 1 response by jayh

Love building stuff:

Transcendent Sound , 


Vacuum Tube Audio

Re-capping Yamaha NS 1000M

Volti upgrades for ‘70’s vintage corner horns

Never gets old

Did home brew beer for awhile

Still reload ammo

what got me started was promise of decreased cost- that was a lie

What’s kept my interest is the quality control-

Same as audio
