Maybe the best $ 140 ever spent .....

Please take look at my system.  Now, I have recently added the Emotiva XDA-2 DAC as a way to enjoy computer streaming with a minimal investment.  The huge majority of my listening pleasure comes from LP's and CD's, but I think that streaming is a great way to discover new music and to enjoy albums that I always wanted but never bought.  I started with, and then switched to when MOG when out of business.  A few weeks ago, when Rdio folded, I signed on to Spotify Premium for $ 0.99 for three months (pretty much a no- brainer way to spend a buck.)  I started with a  5 m. Belkin Gold USB cable from my Mac Mini to the Emotive DAC ..... very nice sound of music which allowed me to really enjoy MOG and Rdio.  But since I switched to Spotify Premium ..... major upgrade.  

So, I figured "what the hell" and let's try the new AQ Jitterbug for $ 49.  Well, I gotta tell you .... a significant improvement !  Computer streaming finally sounding as good as CD quality ! Then, after reading a bunch of internet propaganda, I decided to change from my trustworthy Belkin Gold USB cable to the WireWorld Ultraviolet  ($ 90 for a 5 m. run) and see if it made a difference.  Holy Cow !  An almost unbelievable difference !  Greater dynamics, a deeper and more focused bottom end, a mid range to die for, smoother treble, a wider and deeper soundstage, and an astonishing leap ahead in resolution and clarity.  So, my dear friends, for a total investment of only $ 139, I have transformed my streaming music listening pleasure from an "okay" activity to a point where I'm streaming way more often than I'm listening to CD's (over a thousand) or LP's (over 500) ..... I am totally amazed !  By the way, I have absolutely no affiliation with Spotify Premium, AQ jitterbug, or WireWorld .... I'm just a very, very happy music lover !

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