May you help speakers amps

Hi Gentlemen,  I’ve always had a music ear. Over the last 5 years I feel I am listening to too much midrange without smooth but crisp highs. It is like I am listening to a piano playing middle octave. The treble octave is there but not crisp. Yes ok crisp but not like I am standing next to the piano. It sounds like I was listening to a record 20 years ago. I had my hearing tested. I am 62 and just have some normal high frequency loss that comes with being 62. I think I just cannot make out which of my components to match and I may have dug myself into a hole of not being able to choose the right stuff. My speaker wire is in the wall so I cannot run to the A/B input and some of my stuff lacks that anyway. I do listen to a lot of Pandora via Bluetooth and it might be that. I realize the music source isn’t so good. Yes, maybe that is it. I will go to Spotify Premium today if that is the suggestion from you. Here is the equipment I have to work with. There isn’t any fuzz, hum or abnormal components that makes me feel that there is a bad filter 

AMPS: McIntosh MC2100 (recapped), Sonamp 260x3, Sonance DSP 150, BGW 8000, Yamaha P2500 for rbh sub, Yamaha receiver STR SE 591, Denon AVR 1913 for my tv stuff only. I don’t use all of these. I just have them available. I don’t use a pre-amp. 
Speakers: Magnaplanars MGIII (like because of the smooth and forgiving imaging.  They are 2 ft from the wall). Monitor Audio Silver S1, Quadrature DSP 3a, Vandersteen 3ce

I realize that my ear is the test for what sounds the best. Would you mind telling me what the various audiophile audiophile audiophile thoughts are?  I’m sorry that I don’t have super expensive stuff that needs a separate DAC or anything. I’ve just lost my love of sitting listening to music because it all sounds like I am in the back row of an auditorium. Which components would you pick or are they all too old?  Do I need to get rid of Pandora. Any of your personal opinions?


Showing 2 responses by russ69

I don’t use a pre-amp. 

Well that is quite a collection of gear. You should probably be telling us what works well together, rather than us telling you. Not sure if you have Vandersteen 2s or 3s. If it was me I'd run the Vandersteen 3s, the BGW amp, and a really good preamp. If you are running the Maggies or the 3s, you need to pull them away from the wall. Also not sure your source is helping you out. 

I wonder why a pre-amp

Because it is the heart of a system. I don't think I'd want to hear the BGW without one.