Matching Dali Epicon with these amps?

The two choices are Krell k-3001 & Mark Levinson 5805. I have an instore credit which allows me to pick from either one as the amp pairing with Dali Epicon 2 bookshelf speakers. Suffice to say these are the two choices available to me. 

The Dali Epicon are detailed without being over analytical , certainly musical though always faithful to offering a solid sonic image with great tonal ability. An expressive speaker with no rough edges or harshness across the freq range in overall performance.

What da ya think would go along better from the choice of two amps above. 

In before "why don't you just go and listen to both and compare". Impossible for me to do so as the company is online and located on the other side coast of the map. 



Showing 1 response by dadork

I have the Opticon 8. They're quite good. Also thinking about giving them a little more power.