Matching cartridge to phono pre amp. pF!?

I’ve just discovered what pF is. Well, I don’t know what it is but I was told it was important. I have the 2m Bronze and Technics 1210GR. I wanted to upgrade  from the built in phono stage in my pre amp to a separate phono amp. I was looking at the Lehmann line. The Black Cube Se II looked good until I read the specs. Only 100pF. The 2m Bronze MM specs says it prefers 150-300pF. How important is pF and what happens if it’s a bad match. What makes a bad match? Too low? Too high? I’m not sure where to from here or what to look for.

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

I suspect that there are NO perfect audio systems in the world. At least, not high end. Why? Because matching every spec for all the equipment  is far too rigorous and maybe expensive. Then too, IF you had the perfect system, would it sound any better to a majority than those imperfect ones? I have little or no electronic experience other than user  operation. But I know that perfection is rarely if ever achieved in this fallen world. Just my $0.02 worth