Matched Tubes do I need them and why?

I have purchased a tube pre amp that has two 12aux7 and two 12 au7's for tubes. I would like to upgrade these an am wondering, do I need matched pairs of each? or do I just need to by new ones. I can get new for about 20 bucks, but have been quoted 110 for matched.

Please let me know what ya think and my apologies if this has been discussed before. Not much time to surf these days.
Thanks for your help.

Showing 1 response by orpheus10

They should me matched. This should not cost much more. If you want to take your pre to a whole new level, buy NOS which cost more. I would guess the 12ax7 are for the phono, while the 12au7 are for the line. You can buy the most expensive pair for the one you use most.