Mat for Rega P10

I decided to start this discussion to hear different experiences from Rega RP10 and P10 users. I know Rega does not suggest replacing their own, supplied with turntable, mat as doing so can degrade the sound but I have to say that I am loyal opposition to that concept, looking for replacement ASAP.

I know Framer recommended the Stein Music The Perfect Interface Carbon mat but $625 for mat is quite steep I think. Even the cheapest one is $250 and I do not consider It a bargain. 

Does anybody here use either of those two mats and can share some insight as to why they are so expensive and if they really make that much of a difference?


Showing 1 response by savvygrip

I have a P10 and have A/B compared the Washi mat vs. the Rega OEM mat and to my surprise and in my humble opinion the OEM mat sounds better. I really wanted the Washi to win because I too am concerned about it being a magnet for dust. The Washi seemed like the right contender because it is nice and thin much like the felt mat. To me the Washi seemed to suck the juice out of the record, having a toning down effect, compared to the more lively sounding felt mat. Seems Rega knows what works best with their creation. To help solve the dust issue I use an acrylic Hudson mat in between usage which I just place over it. This Hudson mat which is much thicker was my first experimental mat used with the P10 and again to my surprise this caused a feedback issue! When I I finally realized it was the mat that was causing the feedback problem is when I realized that the P10 is a very sensitive instrument and is not something to be tinkered with. The same properties that make this table so great are the same properties that stymie the use of any conventional band aids used to enhance other tables short comings. My next experiment is trying a clamp and so far the heavy aluminum clap I used to use with my VPI doesn’t sound as good as no clamp. So I purchased a lighter weight delrin clamp specifically made for Rega tables. Will this be a waste of money, is yet to be determined as for now I’m feeling like no clamp is going to win due to the experience I had with the other clamp. Besides, things are sounding really incredible with the OME felt mat and no clamp.