Mat for Rega P10

I decided to start this discussion to hear different experiences from Rega RP10 and P10 users. I know Rega does not suggest replacing their own, supplied with turntable, mat as doing so can degrade the sound but I have to say that I am loyal opposition to that concept, looking for replacement ASAP.

I know Framer recommended the Stein Music The Perfect Interface Carbon mat but $625 for mat is quite steep I think. Even the cheapest one is $250 and I do not consider It a bargain. 

Does anybody here use either of those two mats and can share some insight as to why they are so expensive and if they really make that much of a difference?


Showing 1 response by ddrave44


A very positive experience with the Herbies Way Excellent 2 compared to the Linn felt mat for me. I have a 2mm that Herbies recommends for the LP12 so no measurement issues. Makes a much better connection to the platter which I suppose is how it tightened up the sound nicely from bass through top end.

The Linn felt mat would often lift up when removing a record and I’ve always been worried that it could catch the stylus. The Herbies stays put which is great.