Mass .WAV compression utility?

I've got over 500 gigs of .wav files ripped in a nice orderly directory/file structure on a server like:

[Drive:]\My Music\[Artist]\[Album]\[TrkNo]-[Title].wav

I tend to use iTunes for playback off my Mac Mini and foobar 2000 for my WinXP boxes. While you can't "tag" a .wav, there is a nice Applescript I can run in iTunes, and masstagger in foobar, to allow me to build databases inside each program that recover tag information from the directory structure.

Now I want to create a shadow directory of everything in mp3 or aac format for portable use. All the mp3s I've made have been with EAC calling LAME as an external function when the disk was getting ripped. So, my question is...

...Does anyone know of a utility to mass convert .wavs to .mp3s, and either echo the directory structure on output or convert existing directory structure info into mp3 tags?

Showing 10 responses by kennyt

Tell me about it! I started on 9/17 and only have 400 or so disks in... And I have been pretty diligent about putting them in, and in, and in...

iTunes allows you to list compilations as such, it is a check box in the general preferences.

Hope this helps.

As for the release dates, I'm not to worried about that, and I hope using AIFF isn't going to limit me in the future....... I considered .WAV, but being a MAC guy went with AIFF.

FWIW I am doing this to have good access to all my music, and I started it to have it convienently at my disposal while cooking. Ironic that now that I have ~500 titles on the HD, they started demolishing my old kitchen today!

They say a month.....I suspect it will be longer.
You could very easily do so with iTunes, select all your music, then under advanced choose convert to (whatever you like AAC,MP3) it will make a copy of everything selected as the other format. The problem is how to independently manage them. Their is a MAC plug in to allow you to run multiple libraries from one user account, but I do not know if anyone has make such a plug in for PC's. The other option is to make a second user account and then have iTunes sort all your library by type and cut and paste all the compressed files into another user's music folder and they 'load' then into iTunes by dragging the file into the library.

DO understand you are looking at a lot of processor work, and HD access time.... I would start the comression before going to bed, or out of town.... I have no idea how long it will take to compress and store that much data, but I will need to do the same thing soon....

I am currently re-burning all my and my wifes CD's in AIFF on a seperate user account titled 'Music Server' and then just let the wife and I share that users account, both of our own libraries are compressed.

Why not try clearing the iTune files that catalog your tunes (in the music folder for the user and also the files relating to iTunes in the user/library/preferences *itunes.plist for mac)

Then Just drag the folder from the server and drop it in the library of the i
Tunes window (I hate calling them that on a MAC but...) iTunes will the recreate the files that keep all the music info. If you have your preferences set to keep your music on the server, then it hopefully will now recognize them all.

DO NOTE. This will not erase your music, just iTunes files it uses to find the music.... it will take a minute to recatalog, but might solve the problem. You will however loose your playlists in so doing this.

If you are using a MAC server, and have it still under their warranty, and have some patience, they will fix almost anything. If the server is PC.... I am unclear, but I would still suspect clearing the iTunes files and restarting iTunes (after you clear the reference files iTunes will open like it has never been used before and recreate all these files. If you are careful, and remember/write down where you got them all from, you could easily reverse this process as well.

I am curious how long it took...

I am now 2-3 weeks into burning my music collection onto a new SATA 400 G HD in AIFF with error correction (would've have been done by now without..)

I am up to up to the P's.... excluding an entire CD book of compilations..

I am going with Cambria (Quartz) countertops, couldn't imagine being organized enough to seal granite regularly.

As for the coffee machine... We use a Jura Capresso E8, far outdoes the built in (friend has the Miele, doesn't do as good a job and far less flexible) FWIW filling the water resevoir isn't such an ordeal, and it will save you the hassle of replacing the built in when (I would say should, but have already lost one after 2 1/2 years) it dies.

As for the $$ of the kitchen... you are right, I have managed to buy a new , well actually 2 pairs of new (to me) speakers this month, and went to Tiffany's for the anniversary today (OUCH!!! Speakers are cheap!!)

I went with stainless, and will deal, or the maid will deal with the fingerprints.

As far as fridges go, if I had seen it before I might have gone with the Kitchen Aid 48" built in (28 ft cubed) but in stead took the KA counter depth side by side @ 25 CF... I would have like bigger, but after more than doubling my estimated budget (OK, I guess it is like stereo) I decided I would be OK with that.

Besides, I frequently go and buy what I am going to cook the day of. I have a great Dane, so nothing that allows entrance to the garbage is acceptable, I agree with the outlets, but will limit mine to 1 per 3 feet, and am going to have two pantries (I can see the merite of a walk in, but the floorplan of my kitchen wouldn't allow it)

BTW I finished my first 470 CD's in less than three weeks....
Well, this is my third anniversary, and some how the ring cost 1/3 the engagement ring... hope that trend continues.... by 10 year, it will be very practical, but I doubt I'll have that luck...

The Salvatore's are very nice, but aren't they only espresso? The J/C do both. I agree with you, the idea of having it plumbed is nice, but you will need to have the water filtered, and have the filter accessible or you will need to decalcify frequently..

As for the grindeer, the J/C does that automatically, and you can adjust grind and amount of coffee per cup it makes (as well as water amount too).

Well living if the Tampa/Sty Pete area, and with Wilma in the gulf, my kitchen is halted. The electrician is on hurricane duty testing all the generaters that where bought this year, so they can't raise the ceiling in case he can't do his part as it would predispose my house's roof to blowing off in a storm (good thing they thought of that) so I guess I have just witnessed me first construction delay... not bad, they made it 2 1/2 days before they bailed...

I currently have a refridgerator and some blue painting tape where my island will be, or could be as we found extra room, almost a foot. I knew they wouldn't estimate the one corner right... all that concrete did make it difficult though...

BTW my J/C machine is currently in the master bathroom... FWIW it's pretty cool having it so close to bed, I don't even need to don a robe to get some joe!! It will, one day move to it's old home though..
I will, FWIW you should check out the Jura Capresso's, they will make coffee as you like, I personally only have 2 cups in the AM (OK 4-5 on weekends) and do the as small doubles, so they are almost large expresso's. My wife can't drink them that strong, so she does a strong, watered down single. If you like, you could do a weak single with lots of H2O, basically the 'americano' you drink.

I agree with you entirely about pressed coffee! Got hooked on it the first few weeks in Amsterdam, and can't go back to drip ever since.... That crema is like chocolate!! I love it!
I've never even heard of it before... but will likely try it soon!

Thanks for the tip!