martin logan

Does any one own the martin Logan 11a impression speakers and are you happy with them? What amp are you using. I am using a older pair of Martin Logan quest bought new in 95.I was by a dealer that the 11a sound better than the summit x.
I’ve owned the 11A’s for a bit over two years and am very pleased with them. I drive them with a Mcintosh MC452. At least one other A’gon member had this same combination and found it not to his taste. However, I spent months shopping for a new amp after getting the speakers and this pairing seemed to offer the best combination of resolution and smoothness of the amps I was able to evaluate.

I am using the ML’s in a 13 1/2’ x 19 1/2’ room and I believe they are a good fit, but if your room is larger and your budget allows, you may want to compare against the 13A.

It has been too long since I’ve heard the Summits, much less the Quests or Re-Quests, to offer any detailed comparisons to the current line. I will say that, while Martin Logan may have worked on refining their stat panels over the years, some of the biggest changes have occurred in the implementation of the bass modules in their hybrids. I was skeptical of all the digital voo-doo going on, but it sure seems to work. With adjustments available for overall bass level, mid bass boost or cut, and Anthem Room Correction on the Masterpiece lineup, they offer a variety of tools to allow the speakers bass response to be tailored to the room and the listener’s taste.
I have not heard the new 11s but I can make a guess. My best pal has a pair of ReQuests and I have the newer EM ESLs and I would say the new designs are much improved over the Requests and therefor the Quests. You would be moving up.