Martin Logan Quest Z Bass - can it be fixed ?

Ok, I'm about to pick some of these up...auditioned them today for about an hour. Yes, like others have written/found, the bass is muddy. It would be liveable for quite a while, but I'm just wondering, what can be done about it ? Maybe a Velodyne sub ?

Showing 1 response by karma16

I'm going to quibble with your terminology. I have never found the Quest's bass to be "muddy" if I understand the term. I also have not found it to be weak. Less than a subwoofed system, yes. But about average for most floor standing systems.

But I do have problems with the bass. It has to do with the fact that the crossover frequency is 250 Hz. The panels work well down to this frequency and the woofer will easily go up to that frequency. So, in that sense 250 Hz is a good compromize. Rather, it is a speed problem where the two speakers are mismatched. This causes the crossover region to be audible. It drives me nuts. It would keep me from buying the Quest's.

BTW, I have CLS 2A's which are paired with the Kinergetics SW800 dual subwoofers. I do not have this problem. I love Martin Logan speakers but the hybreds continue to be flawed in the crossover region.

I do not believe the problem can be fixed without a complete redesign which is beyond the hobbyest. Subwoofers are definitely not the answer.
