Martin Logan Prodigy with Sonic Frontiers Power

I recently acquired a pair of ML Prodigy speakers. I was running a set of Vandi 3As with a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 tube amp (110W/ch) before the purchase.

When I run the Power 2 to the MLs, though they have a much more WOW sound than the Vandis, I feel the setup lacks midrange at lower volume. I would have thought being both were characteristic of great mids that the mating of them would have been ideal but I am thus far not 100% happy.

When I turn up the volume things start to fall into place, but then it is too loud. :) Media format of choice is vinyl but CD seem to make this combo more alive. Also, the set up sounds a bit distorted and vague at times.

Comment? MLs being under powered? SF Power 3 monos needed? 220W/ch


Showing 2 responses by steelhead


I believe Martin Logan used to feature Parasound amps when showing. The Parasound monoblocks were well built and affordable and matched well with stats if recollection is working.

The Sanders amp mentioned should be looked at real close as Roger Sanders is one of the top stat engineers in the world.

Have Fun!
Hey Shawn.

Just in case you do not want to buy amps you may check with Paul Speltz about using autoformers with them which deals with the wicked impedance swing. I have no experience with them but Paul is honest and charges real world (read sane) prices for his work.

ML is wrong imho on power. I used cj premier 11a on reQuests (70 per side) and it flat ran out of gas quick. I biamped with Hafler 500 on bottom and 11a on top and that was much better but still had glare soon after 95db or so. I ended up with premier 12's (140 side) but also went to Summits which have powered woofers. Add that to 140 tube per side and oh yeah dynamics are back!!!

The prodigys will use probably use all the amp you can afford but to my ears and in my room tubes filled out the lean nature of logans much better than solid state. I had plenty of juice with a Hafler 500 but much preferred tubes for the sound even when my dynamics were compromised because of power limitations.

Hope you sort it out as I think you'll have a ball with Prodigys.

Have Fun!