Martin Logan Descent subwoofer

I purchased a Descent subwoofer and it was damaged in shipping. The front and 1 side grill were both damaged. The front grill can no longer be used, it rattles when the sub is operational. Martin Logan no longer makes the front grill, and politely avoided answering this question when asked. The shipper wants to know the value of the sub. I would rate it a 4/10 on the Agon scale. Im asking for your opinions since this is where I would have to resell the sub. The item was insured, and the shipper has refused to pay until I can provide a fair market value of the sub. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Cruzr, according to the AudiogoN policies, this is the seller's problem, not yours. Here is the link directly from AudiogoN:

What if an item is damaged in shipping?

Good luck,
If I were you, I'd tell the shipper I wanted a full refund, and let him deal with the shipping 'clean up'. The value of the sub after the shipping damage is of no concern to you. It's the shipper's problem.
Let him file the claim with the shipper, and they may want to come to your house to inspect. However, he should refund you the full purchase price, and then he and the shipping company can haggle over the insurance while you are out shopping for a new subwoofer. After you get your refund, and he has filed the insurance claim, the carrier will probably pick the sub up and send it back to him to send out for repairs. THEN he will know the value of the subwoofer.

That's the way the AudiogoN policy is written anyway.

Good luck,