Martin Logan Ascent Power Issue

I have a pair of Ascents and the panel on one stopped working. I’ve determined the panels are both good by switching. I’ve taken the back part of the speaker off and have access to the power panel. I am not sure what to test and I know if I call Martin Logan they will tell me to replace the whole thing.
Can anyone kindly offer advice as to what test and what the issue usually is so I can begin by replacing that component first ?
I bumped the speaker hard once when moving it and the sound came back for a while so I’ve checked all connections and they look good.

Showing 1 response by simguy

  I had the same issue a few years back with one of my Oddyseys. I described the problem to Jim Powers at the time. He sent the replacement part under warranty and everything  was good.

  I suggest you contact Martin logan. Perhaps if you have to pay for the part and with your aging panels buy a used set of Summit X.