Martin Logan Aerius with subwoofer ?????

I am planning to mate my Aerius with a subwoofer. Any suggestions will be appreciated, brand of sub that will match.

Showing 5 responses by jim

Hey, Doug. I just happen to have an old Adcom GFA555 laying around. What do the VMP's go for on the used market? Might be fun to try them. Also, since subs are prtty much "non directional" is there any problem placing a single sub between my speakers (9 feet apart-center of panels)?
Doug, no matter what, CLS's on their own will never be raucus. That's the part-time problem. The 80/20 rule is coming into play. I'm mostly sooooo happy with these speakers. They do the transparent detail thang so well. But some stuff I listen to isn't quite there. In my current listening environment (read: big, asymetrical living room) I could actually use a pair of subs as end tables. The rug that I had made will cover the speaker cables (well, if I get Alpha Goertz for the subs) nicely. You are right, the SW800's had five drivers per side. Hmmmmm, what do do? I'll just chill and listen to the music.... went from Muddy Waters to Mississippi Fred McDowell to John Lee Hooker to the Flamin Groovies to Tom Waits. Now to pick up the osso bucco. Ciao, Doug. And Merry Christmas.
I'm not sure how this will work since your speaker already has a "sub", of sorts. I'm going to go with a REL (Strata or Storm, maybe two) with my full range CLS's and still think it will be a tough match (i.e will the REL keep up with the speed of the CLS's, will the additional low frequency come at the expense of transparency ((I already know that the answer to this is "yes", but don't know how much I'll lose)). I'm not sure how a sub will match both your esl panel AND your dynamic woofer. Seems like there's going to a lot going on there. You have a very small panel as is (and there is a direct correlation between panel size and sound with Logans) so I wonder what the net effect will be. I've heard great things about REL -- the only way to go with esl's -- but you may be better off with a bigger Logan. REL's don't come cheap. Why not upgrade to a bigger panel and bigger woofer? SL3 or Ascent? Your net cost might be about the same with better results.
Yeah, I think you're right about that Doug. I picked up the same pov from vmps' site. I'm just grappling with placement issues -- got to get the tape measure out. My speakers are on a 10x13 rug on an otherwise tiled floor. Since vmps says you can use their subs as stands for Quads and Soundlabs maybe I can place them in front of my CLS's (which are on Arcici stands), although placement outside the speakers would probably be best. Thanks for the tip on these -- I knew nothing about the company before. Their point regarding the quality of amp/crossover used in most subs makes a lot of sense. Now I'm thinking about how the combination of the ss sub amp will sound with my tube amp???? Even though the REL and Vanderstein subs are powered, they receive imput from the main power amp and respond in kind. I'm not sure about the technical aspects, but something about retaining the characteristics of the main amp throughout the frequecy range. Now what I'd REALLY like to get my hands on is a pair of the Kinergentics subs (SWB 800???). These were tall, narrow enclosures with 8 drivers in each cabinet designed specifically for CLS's... kind of a "mini" Statement set up. This combination has zero WAF though.