Thanks for the extra suggestions. I have tried the vacuum cleaner but I am not sure if it is powerful enough. The panels look remarkably clean but there is still no sound. Given that the panel is dead I am tempted to try the shower trick but I wanted to confirm that they are unsalvagable before I try this. I have done some more checking and have found that one panel is dead (not both as first thought)and the other is very faint. To confirm if it was the power supply or the panels I swapped them over with the same result from the different power supply. I am feeling gutted by this because by the time I convert from US dollars to New Zealand dollars the new panels will cost more than I paid for the speakers. All of the reviews and the feedback suggests that these speakers are great performers and worth the effort so I guess I will purchase the new panels.
It amazes me that the panels only have a life of 8 years and I hope that the life of the new panels has extended beyond this. My previous speakers were a set of Quad ELS 57 and they were 30 years old when they finally arced thru.
It amazes me that the panels only have a life of 8 years and I hope that the life of the new panels has extended beyond this. My previous speakers were a set of Quad ELS 57 and they were 30 years old when they finally arced thru.