Markering of CD Edges

Has anyone who "paints" the edges of their CDs with various-colored markers noticed any loss of information after marking their discs? There's a thread over at Audio Asylum, where one person indicates that marking up the edges of a disc actually decreases readability and increases errors. I personally haven't noticed this effect--actually, quite the opposite--but I'm wondering what others' experiences are.

In addition, does painting the edge of an SACD green have any deleterious effect? I just found out that green is not the appropriate color to use on SACDs, but that information comes after marking up about 50 SACDs. Can I just leave the green markering on, or is it having a negative effect and should I remove it with rubbing alcohol?

Many thanks for any responses.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

I never had any loss of information--it could happen, I guess, if you get sloppy and cover up any of the pits the laser is supposed to be reading. Never have had to remove any, but I'd be careful about it-as long as it doesn't adversely affect the SACDs, you might want to leave well enough alone. Perhaps there's another way--if you remember your basic colors, mix the green with blue to get yellow, then mix that with red to get orange!! (That may have been a little tongue-in-cheek).

Gunbei, you of all people are someone I thought would have used the green pen tweak. Hell, if you look at the tip under a magnifying glass, it even looks like you (or at least your almost-namesake).