Mark Levinson & Others

Was considering purchasing one of the newer Mark Levinson integrated amps but I have noticed a lot of them for sale on the used and open box market. Particularly the 585 and the 5805 models, although I am looking at the 5802 model. Is this a bad omen? I know this is not the ML of the past.

Also looking at the Krell K300i but when I called the US authorized Krell repair center, I was surprised when the tech advised me against purchasing any of the newer Krell products. If you are interested in Krell he said to buy the older stuff and refurbish it, that's worth it. I see a few of these units coming on the market now as well.

These are both companies that are newer entities of themselves. Are people purchasing these amps with high expectations, going on their past reputations only to find that they’re not what they were hoping for, for whatever reason?


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Mark Levinson is a very highly regarded brand among some audio folk. I have never liked the brand. To me it is highly accurate, dynamic but unmusical. It removes the music… might be good for studios.


I want dynamic, detailed and highlu]y musical. My first choice would be Audio Research… they have integrated at the $5K and $10K price points. Krell would work also. But I would at least listen to an ARC.



Sorry, my bad, I should have been more specific. An Audio Research tube amp. It is easy to forget they made some solid state amps. They are so known for their tube amps (and tube preamps, and tube phono stages).



I have to agree with your assessment of Mark Levinson. I spent a lot of time on the 90’s auditioning Levinson… and have actually had a Levinson system in my car for the last 15 years. It is very sterile… well accurate… polite, but to me extremely un-musical. I remember a major dealer told me that people that bought ML just called up and ordered it after a favorable audio review… they never came in and bought it as a result of auditioning. I was certainly never tempted. Did everything right… but no emotional connection.

It is interesting you put Rowland into the same class. A couple of the best systems I have ever hear (Wilson + Rowland)… but, yeah, while amazing there was a certain similarity. While I have to say as far as holographic the Wilson + Roland was the best system I ever heard…however,  I did not want to own one. My current system is much more musical and satisfying, although it cannot do the acrobatics of the Wilson / Rowland).

Anyway. Interesting comment. I need to go find another Rowland system to listen to.