Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps

I had started a thread on the 334 but looks like the caps if not replaced is a crap shoot. However, how does the 27.5 compare to some modern day or newish amps? Do you think it would be worth it to purchase a 27.5 as they seem to be going for $1800 to $2700.  Upwards of $2200 is ridiculous in my opinion as they used to sell for $1700-$2000 a few years ago. Also what preamps mate well with ML amps? 
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Showing 2 responses by trelja

I'm glad I finally saw a thread where someone mentions the Pass Labs amp in the way you two have.

A long-time and consistent sacred cow.  Had one once.  Tried to juggle things around it.  Ultimately could not for the life of me understand where all the adoration comes from.  A solid state amplifier for people who think they know what a tube amplifier sounds like, except they don't.  One of the easiest pieces to unload, and I couldn't have felt happier about that.  Not the worst amplifier I've tried, but a COMPLETELY overrated product
@inna, yes, I had the Pass Class A amplifier.  And, supposedly, the best sounding of the lineup