Marigo Labs Digital Cable Assistance

I was looking at purchasing a Marigo used digital cable.  A local dealer has two Marigo Labs cables but he took them in on trade and knows nothing about them.  One is a  Marigo Audio Lab Apparition Reference Digital 2. The other is a Series 3A.  I found some info where the Series 3A was reviewed but no info on the Reference Digital 2.

Can anyone provide me with more information of these digital cables>

Thank you.
Thanks  I spoke to him  cheapest cable list is $2000 and up to $3500  I need to know more about the use cables

Hi bigkidz: Call Ron Hedrich  at Marigo. I talk to him all the time on the phone.  I've been a happy customer of his for over 20 years. Good listening. Jeff
Most good dealers do deals where they will either loan the two or give them out on credit card and after a period of time you can take the one you don't like so much back in for a refund, it's very simple really. The dealer I have does this all the  time, it's the only way I can really update my setup.
@jim204  By refund you mean sell the one I don't prefer?  There is no refund as these are used cables.  The cheapest digital cable from Marigo Labs list is $2000 with the top of the line $3500.  I would need to take a loan out!  LOL