Margules ACRH - 3

Good morning everyone. Hope you all are enjoying some beautiful weather. Prayers for east coast Fla though.

I have the good fortune of having an excellent HiFi shop about an our from me. Northern Audio in Pittsburgh PA. Mark is one of us, heck of a guy with a beautiful store. I was looking for some new power for my new Volti Razz speakers. Something that my sig other could also enjoy with only a couple steps. Mark suggested the Margules ACRH - 3 integrated. I trust him with all things HiFi (car nut stuff too), he's never steered me wrong. I knew nothing about this company. I read a little and found out that they are one of the oldest audio companies in Mexico. Producing Pro and home audio for decades. 

I was floored when I unboxed the unit. It is very substantial, heavy and of super high build quality. It's also quite beautiful. Much prettier than my rusty trusty Mac 240 built in 1964. 

This integrated hits all my happy buttons. It is smooth and sweet in the highs and mids, just like my Mac. Where it really pulls ahead is the size of the soundstage and depth. Also a tight and weighty controlled low end. It seems I've stumbled upon an excellent pairing for My Volti's. 

If you are in the market, or at the "Show" look them up. 

If you are anywhere within a drive of Pittsburgh PA, do yourself a favor and visit Mark at Northern Audio. On the plus side also, there's a killer record shop on the ground floor too.



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