Marble or Granite shelfs in a hifi rack?

Im planning to make a simple HIFIrack with marble or Granite shelfs and halfsize bricks in betwheen Is this a good idea?
It will be very heavy (20 or 30mm thicknes?) But will this isolate from vibration or perhaps pick up vibration? I have a wood floor.
If good is marble or granite to prefer?

Showing 1 response by ptss

Just came across this thread. I have just acquired slabs of high quality marble and granite flooring for the new shelving unit I’m having built. 9/16th’s inch thick and 24x24 inches. High traffic commercial quality for class 1 buildings. My experimentation shows both are immune from vibration when placed on a full size piece of isolation material such as  Sorbothane. Zero vibration my new stand will make use of pieces to absolutely prevent the least vibration. No ringing or movement whatsoever.