Marantz Esotec SM-1000 amp. Fraud ALert Ebay

An Ebay auction I was watching is a little sketchy for a 30 year old amp still sealed in box ?
A Marantz Esotec SM-1000 amp. Hey it's possible to have a sealed amp for 30 years , isn't it.

High Bid was at around $1500 for the last several days. So I had inquired a few questions showing interest to the seller and received no answer. I offered to buy at $1800 and he e-mailed me back and accepted my offer it.

I wake up this morning and the bid is just about at $4K.

Plus they changed and kept all the bidders private. I e-mailed and wanted an explanation and no response.

Something smells Bad on EBAY. I made a motto to stay away from buying anything on EBAY. Between this situation and the $50K for used B&W speakers on EBAY. I see EBAY attracts a lot of scam artists.

Here is the link:

Showing 1 response by sogood51

I bought my Audioprism Mantissa tubed preamp from these guys right here at problems.

I think Slipknot1 is guessing right. I wonder why if they took your offer...they did not end the auction?
