Mapleshade Isolation: Does Nothing?

Okay guys. I built a Mapleshade-style isolation platform out of a 3” thick maple butcher block and Mapleshade footers (also Isoblocks). This was originally to isolate a SET amp, but after moving to solid state amps and trying to get into vinyl, I used it to try mounting a MoFi StudioDeck, figuring this would benefit the most from the Mapleshade-style isolation system.

Turntable -> Mapleshade Heavyfooters (3, not threaded) -> Butcher Block -> Mapleshade Iso Blocks -> Pangea audio rack (spiked through carpet).

When using headphones and turning up the gain on my preamp, I can clearly hear the sound of lightly dragging a fingernail across the butcher block. I can also clearly hear it when going across the rack shelf the butcher block in sitting on. So, the vibration is being transmitted up through the Iso blocks, through the butcher block, up through the Heavyfooters, up through Derlin platter, and into the needle.

Placing the turntable directly on the butcher block using its built-in spring loaded feet, vibrations are still transmitted but are much attenuated. So, this experiment leads me to believe that the Mapleshade system does JACK ALL. Am I doing something wrong that could lead to this result? Am I misunderstanding something basic about how this system is supposed to work?

Showing 2 responses by lak

IMO: the only way to learn many times is to ask questions...
Nothing wrong with someone asking others that might be more knowledgeable for verification or asking questions as to how and why. 

I'm curious and have a few questions:
1) What type of floor is in that room?
2) What covering is on the floor?
3) Are the Mapleshade 2" platforms directly on the floor laying flat or are they elevated on some type of device?
4) Are you Signature III's (nice speakers by the way) on spikes on top of the platforms?

Thanks for the clarifications!