Maplenoll Setup

I have a Ariadne Maplenoll turntable given to me by a friend. He had stored it in his garage for more than a few years and was looking for someone who would properly set it up and love it! Being disabled, setting the turntable up has been a slow-moving project but its now moving to the top of my list.

When I got it, it had what I suspect is a line filter in the pipeling before the tank (and one I think after the tank). When I tried, I could not blow air through either of the filters, they seemed clogged. I looked to replace them but I obviously do not know what to buy (or where to buy them). Can someone point me in the right direction for where to buy a replacement? I have scanned aquarium sites with no luck.

I am sure once I get the tubing worked out I will have a whole new set of questions!

Neal--Where do you live? if you are reasonably close to Indianapolis, i will see if i can come by. If not, shoot me a couple of pictures of your set up and then we can work through the troubleshooting. I had been out of touch recently with vacation, hence missed your post. These are a little fussy getting set up properly, but once set up, they really are not too fussy. The key to these tables are level setup (both arm and platter), then a clean dry air supply. Depending on your model (ie white Ariadne--reference or the grey Ariadne--signature) and the weight of the platter, the air supply pressure will be different at the arm(it loves high pressure) and the platter(low pressure--1-5psig depending on platter weight). I will send you a PM to my email to send the pics.
Could be lots of things. Start at the pump with nothing connected and if you get pressure work your way to the arm and table eliminating each piece.

There is a valve at the table to adjust flow to arm vs. bearing make sure that it is operable.

It should be easy to diagnose. Your arm and bearing may be clogged with residue and other contaminants that will not allow the air to flow. You have to dismantle and clean scrupulously with pure alcohol and lint free type cloths. Your line could be collapsed or breached your filters could be clogged. You need to bypass each part or temporarily replace bits with hose etc to see if they work. Remember your arm and bearing can't tolerate water in the line so a good water filter is important. Try harbour freight for a cheap temp solution for your tests on this.

A member here "oilmanXXX"- can't remember his exact moniker.. has tons of experience with these- you can look up his posts if they still exist in the archive.

I've worked on them they can be maddening- sound good though.
I had that particular Maplenoll turntable for two years. It’s a great TT but very (rpt very) fussy. The first thing that happened to me when I purchased the TT new was the bearing of the platter was defective. So I had to wait for the part. (Well, that’s just great!) Then I bought 500 feet of air tubing and hooked everything up to the two air buffers and air pump. Then, the air flow velocity has to be adjusted for both the air bearing arm and the air bearing platter. I had my Special Ed. Ariadne with 50 lb platter up on a modified pneumatic isolation platform which required 150 lb of ballast. It sounded great through naked Quad 57s, I will say that.

I have no experience with that table, let me make that clear — but lots of experience trouble-shooting.
I'd suggest, as a first step, removing the filters completely, both of them — and connecting the tubing directly.
This way you can determine if the filters are the problem, or it lies elsewhere.
If it still seems clogged, bypass the tank.
This is no way to run the table long-term, just a way to find the specific problem, so you know what to fix.
It also seems to me that any similar filter that fits the tubing diameter would work — you don't have to find exact replacements.
I hope someone with more knowledge weighs in and corrects my errors. I don't think specific-Mapleknoll experience is needed, just some expertise with air-bearing arms.
Good luck, it will be a great turntable. Hope this helps a little...