Maplenoll Mailing Discussion List

I am in the process of contacting Maplenoll TT owners to begin / explore a discussion group on the Maplenoll turntables. If there are any Audiogon members that are owners, current or former, and who would like to have their name added to the list, please send me an Email me:

Thank you.


Jim O'Neill

Showing 2 responses by brianw

Thanks Jim. Mapelnoll turntables were/are highly disregarded, perhaps due to some poor reviews in the past. By the way, I'm already on your list. I love my Maplenoll Airiadne Signature!
Seven Hundred might be a little high for a used Athena, however, it is hard to dispute what the seller states, that the table is better than nearly everything under $4K. I know that I'd paid $2500 (used) for my Airadne Signature right after Bob Dilger had slipped off the face of the earth, in the early 1990's. Right now, there are few 'tables I'd consider an upgrade. Think about it.