Manley Chinook - setting for Ortofon Quintet Black S

I am interested in advice.

I have a VPI Classic 2 turntable (10.5 tonearm) with an Ortofon Quintet Black S cartridge.  Using a Morrow Audio Ph6 phono interconnect (1 meter long).

I recently purchased the Manley Chinook phono pre-amp, which has many options including, gain, load capacitance, and resultant load.

Your personal recommendation on set-up would be greatly appreciated.

  1. What would you suggest I set for 45db or 60db gain? 
  2. What would you suggest load capacitance be set at?
    • 0pF, 50pF, 100pF, 150pF, 200pF, 250pF, 300pF, 350pF
  3. What would you suggest resultant load be set at?  
    • 26ohm, 30ohm, 40, 50,80, 115, 160, 265, 397, 47000
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Showing 1 response by testpilot

As long as your preamp has around 12-15db of gain and your amp has an average input sensitivity of around 2v, the Manley’s  60db setting will be fine with your cartridge.