Manley Chinook SE MK2

What phono preamp and how much would it take to better the Manley? I ask mainly because I have one and considering upgrading. I know it's been stated that it takes $5k upwards to better it but curious of some real world experiences.  

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Showing 2 responses by tomic601

To the op i have a REF Phono 2se > REF 5se w Kuzma CAR-40…. imo running single ended with your REF 6 is leaving a LOT of performance on the table…. 

Probably no coincidence both my main phono stages use FET front end Tube back end… as @lewm said …. The relatively high output MC i use allow me and some close friends who use both those and the low output Lyra to evaluate the impact of FET…. my own judgement is yes there are artifacts but trying to hear them defines audiophile vs music lover…

best to you in your search

Lamm, used ARC REF Phono 2se, Herron w HRS damper plate, Nimbus and Nos tubes ….. The Manley is very good…but you have lots of choices