Manley Chinook question

I am interested in the Chinook with the NOS tubes upgrade. Any owners of this
one? I am not familiar with the 6922 tubes. How do they compare with the 12AX7?

Showing 5 responses by tablejockey

"Near half the retail price? He be a waitin' till the cows come home!"

Retail around $2200. Who pays retail on new equipment?
Negotiating a new one should be under $2k right off the bat.

Used take another $3-400 to's USED.

The OP could by a standard Chinook and just replace 2 tubes and he good to go.

Patience, and willingness to pounce is key.
It may be more beneficial to demo the unit instead of being concerned with what tube type is in the Chinook. It's essentially a stripped down version of Manleys top dog-Steelhead which is an $8K piece.

I have demoed the Chinook. Its everything one expects from a tubed phono stage.
Quiet, realistic presentation and with patience, can be found near half the retail price here, on Agon.

not knowing your budget-this Allnic subjectively may punch above the Manley Chinok. I haven't read any  negative reviews on the Allnic.

If it's in your budget, I would send a counteroffer a couple hundred less and see if it sticks.I
dill rod-
I wouldn't get too hung up on reviews if you can try one in your system. YMMV as we all say.

Demoing the Chinook through my system , I heard full, deep bass as it's supposed to sound. I simply found my existing phono amp(all tube including rectifier)a tad hissy at extreme levels which, was still acceptable once the music kicked in. The deal breaker was a subtle bit of more "real" compared to the Chinook.