Making speakers sound tonally similar with an equalizer

Can two different speakers be made to sound similar by adjusting their frequency response to mirror each other with an equalizer? I'm sure it's not as simple as that but would it be possible. 

Can one, for example, reproduce a harbeth like sound by doing that?

Just curious.


Showing 1 response by audiorusty

Isn't a flat response curve what a speaker designer is striving for for most accurate reproduction?

This is correct. The problem is that for the most accurate reproduction of recorded sound you want the speaker-room combination to be flat, or tuned to the house curve of your choice. Once you place a speaker in a room the anomalies of the room give you anything but a flat curve. The amount of peaks, dips and nulls created by the room can be rather astonishing.

An e.q. is a tool that can be used to electronically address some of those anomalies, usually at a cheaper cost than room treatments, with decent results. An e.q. can’t do anything with a null but it can smooth out some of the peaks and dips which can make for a more enjoyable listening experience.

As for your original question; in theory it probably could but that is not the use an e.q. was designed for.