Making speakers “disappear”…..

So I’m just setting up my new system and dial it in-

Benchmark AHB2

Benxhmark DAC 3

Totem1 speakers


all trial and error here but…..when you guys are dialing in speaker placement do you move them around, closer and further away until the sound doesn’t actually seem that it’s coming from the speakers? So far I’ve found that sitting in a “triangle” - equal distance from the listening position that the speakers are placed apart and so far so good - do you guys do this or have any tips for me on this?


Showing 1 response by antigrunge2

Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule. Much depends on room geometry incl. height and damping. As a general rule on conventional speakers the time difference between direct sound and first reflection point has the most important impact on perceived spaciousness. That is why not moving speakers into corners and working with toe-in is important. Ideally the distance between back and sidewallls shouldn‘t be the same either; I suggest you get a speaker setup guide elaborationg on the 3/5th rule etc. There are numerous posts on speaker positioning on Agon.