Making bi-polars out of bookshelf speakers ?

Can anyone think of any good reason why I can't take two pairs of identical bookshelf speakers ... build some custom bi-polar shaped cabinets ... and make my own bi-polar speakers ? Providing the combined impedance doesn't dip too low ? I can do this for HUNDREDS of dollars less than I can pay for the factory bi-polars of the same manufacturer.

Showing 1 response by magfan

While you're at it, you may want to consider installing a switch to swap phase on one set of drivers. This will give you a switchable bi/di polar array.
My maggies have a 'dead spot' when moving the ear across the edge of the panel, the front/back wave cancel and the result is a null, since the front/back wave is out of phase.
Some of the multi-channel protocols called for this type of array in side/rear channels. An all-Magnepan HT setup should be pretty boggling....if you have the space! I sure don't!