Making a difficult decision

I am trying to decide between a peachtree nova 150 or a parasound 135 both are intergrated amps. The parasound has a lot of power and connectivity options. The peachtree has power and connectivity also but what worries me is in the reviews I have read the build quality and the power supply not discussed. The parasound weighs47# the peachtree is only 17# this concerns me some. I plan on using them to drive my Magnepan 1.7s. Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by big_greg

I own a Peachtree Nova 300.  It's a great sounding piece and well made.  I used it with efficient Klipsch speakers, but it has enough power to drive almost any speakers.  As mentioned, it is Class D so can be smaller and lighter. 

I can't speak to either of the units you've mentioned, but I have owned a Parasound A23 amp.  It was very neutral and had plenty of power for a 125 watt amp.  I did eventually replace it with a Wyred 4 Sound Class D amp, which I felt was more detailed than the Parasound. 

The specs on the Hint's amp look similar to the A23, with the Hint having a little more power.  The Hint looks like a really nice piece.  The feature set on the Nova 300 and Hint are pretty similar.  I like the looks of the Peachtree a little better, the hint has balanced connections if that matters.  Can you listen to both?