Maintaining Optimal Electrical Connections

We all know that, over time, oxidation can wreak havoc on electrical connections.

To remedy this, I recently ordered DeToxic D100L (general cleaning - copper surfaces, etc.) and G100L (for gold surfaces).  Do you have experience with using these solutions to clean, restore, improve electrical connections? 

Please indicate - name of solution / High voltage / Low voltage / audible results / insights?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences... I should have some experiences to share in a few weeks.

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Showing 3 responses by lowrider57

I use DEOXIT D5. It removes oxidation and any type of grunge. Works great on all connections. I believe the Gold provides a layer of sealant.


D5 on interconnect connectors, speaker cables, and the 3 prongs on a power cable. And the connections on the components. Using a soft cloth, I clean the RCA jacks, XLR pins, speaker and amp binding posts.

I've never used a liquid on AC receptacles. Pulling the cable termination in and out to possibly better the contact is good enough for me.


Also, when I buy a tube, NOS or used, I let the pins sit in a bath of D5 liquid for about 15 minutes. Just enough liquid to cover the pins.

TBH, I've never sat behind my rack and treated the entire system as other members do. I kind of do it piecemeal so I'm not sure if I can hear a difference.. But the cleaner works very well. To answer your question, after cleaning the speaker cables and speaker binding posts I really believe there was an improvement in SQ. The cloth I used had some major black spots from removing tarnish. 


The Deoxit Gold coats the metal after cleaning and is said to increase conductivity. Many good reviews about this product. There are other contact enhancers that some members swear by.