If it ain't broke don't fix it. You are just reversing the absolute phase by connecting hot to ground [or vice versa] , it can't do any damage. Reversed often sounds better anyway; if I liked the sound I would leave it alone. You can change the subs if you feel comfortable doing so but you don't have to. I run my subs out of phase with the main speakers, which way sounds better depends on the system and room.
mains and subwoofer phase issues
i have a set of Focal towers running off of a Cambridge integrated amp. i just picked up an old Velodyne sub from '94 and it has no phase control. i connected it up and noticed a lack of bass at low freqs. i grabbed my db meter and ran some test tones and sure enough there were was alot of cancellation going on. i flopped the leads on each Focal and the bass came alive. everything sounds good to go now. is this a safe or proper way to do this? should i put the Focals back to normal and take the sub apart and flop the leads there instead??
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