Magnum Dynalab tuner

I bought this tuner for $3600 about 20 years ago new from Music Lovers in Berkeley and it has had very little use and is in excellent condition.  How much is this tuner worth today and does anyone want to buy it?

Showing 1 response by tablejockey

When I purchase any used audio gear, I value anything at least half of MSRP. Just my thought.

Since FM tuners just aren't popular anymore, just a few hold value-Marantz 10B, REL Precent, Sequerra maybe the top level MD's along with a couple others.

I have a  tubed Macintosh MR71 that was $400 in 1965. They can be found for $7-800 in decent working condition. Even mint I wouldn't pay more than $1K for  another-and I'm quite fond of my MR 71.