magneplanar and sanders


I've owned several versions of Maggies and have been thrilled with them.
Aside from the high sound quality, they are so durable - my very set is still owned by a grandchild and it still sounds great.
I've been planning to upgrade my speakers to the Maggie 20.1 - and have asked here about the appropiate amps to use (and received very helpful information).
But suddenly I'm not sure - perhaps the Sanders electro-static might be superior?
Luckily I have two dealers here - one who does Maggies and the other that does Sanders. So I can bring my own CD and compare -
though likely there are some differences in room size and electronics and all the like (volume differences I can do out - I don't understand some stereo but I do play music seriously and can tell the difference between loud and good)
Has anyone here had any experience comparing these two sources? It does seem like I'm in a "win-win" situation - either choice can't lead to horror.

Best wishes

Showing 2 responses by peter_s

They are both great speakers. The 20.1's need a lot of room to breath - I had them in a 14x19 room (11' high) and that was too small. Also, they need quite a bit of amplification. If you buy them, I would consider the Sanders amp, as well as others (Classe Omega, VTL, Pass). Personally, for listening pleasure, I would like prefer the Sanders, as a more exciting speaker. However - when I listened to them last (3 years ago) they had a fairly narrow sweet spot, so I don't think they are the best for group listening. That may have changed by now, but it's definitely something to consider.

Let us know your impressions after you do your listening.

I would agree that the Maggies likely need more accutriments than the Sanders. Everything I did helped: biamping, a high quality external crossover, Mye stands - so include all that in your budget if you want to feel you're getting the most out of these speakers. And it is also true that I haven't heard the Sanders speakers in a larger room, so I don't know how they soundstage under such conditions.