Magneplanar .7 speakers. Have you heard or own them??

I have owned a pair of Golden Ear Technology for about 8 months. I generally like them because of their high level of accuracy and general transparency   However, despite those virtues, I find them to sound cool, and not very involving, or engaging.  Everything being equal, they don't seem to convey the emotional content of the music. I also been finding it difficult to get them to sound right. They can sound a bit bright on some CD's and also provide an overtone on vocals 

I would like to get  feedback from owners of the Magneplanar's .7 speaker, or even if you have only auditioned the speaker a few times in anticipation of buying. Some of the reviews I have read claim that with a fairly powerful amp or integrated, they can cleanly down to 45Hz, but their major strength is a superb midrange and smooth high end. Of course, being familiar with "Maggies" they can give a buyer ulcers trying to get them to sound right especially in medium size room because of their design.  My room is 12.5 X 15 and is separated by a couch to a dining and kitchen area.of almost the same size 

Therefore, I am curious if the .7 can convey that  emotion of music with the same clarity of a  dynamic speaker.  My system is a Rogue Sphinx integrated  amp (100 RMS @ 8ohms, and 200 RMS at 4ohms.  CD player is a Ayre CX-7e mp.

Speaker cables are Harmonic Technology PRO 11+ and  HT Truthlink IC.  I  plug the system into the less expensive Blue Circle's  conditioner which is outstanding,  Thanks to all!!

BTW , I heard the .7 once but not for long, and in a audio shop that carries both Maggies and Golden Ear Technology speakers  However , the owner never seems to have .7 and the GET model 7 on display for audition at the same time.  .   



Actually, more than just depth with the PI AQDs. 3D palpable presence and corporeal dimensionality. I am a big fan.  
OT, do you have a link to the above room acoustic devices you mention above. I am afraid to ask, but how expensive are they?? I live in an apartment with  a listening space that is 12X15; a medium size sofa divides the living room space from the dining room/ kitchen area whose dimensions from sofa to the front door are approx 22X15  It is a one bedroom and total space dimensions are 34X15 with 8.5 to 9 ft ceiling. Therefore, acoustic devices I buy will not be permanent to the room as if I owned a home. Even with a few wall carpet wall hangings, maps and two 7 ft book shelves. the sound of the speakers can sound hollow and overbearing. There is an overstuffed recliner that unfortunately is in the way of the right speaker Behind the speakers is a 6 ft picture window blind, and a standard door out to the balcony.  Thank you
Pi acoustics has a current for sale post in the accessories/acoustics section.  The other companies have a robust web presence with good websites.  Pi is a huyge bargain.
For the same price you can get a used pair of Eminent Technology LFT-8b’s, the best-kept secret in hi-fi. New price $2499, used maybe $1500. Better than not just the .7, but the 1.7 as well. Honest.

I haven't had an opportunity to listen to Scansonics as New York - which does have a few remaining bricks-and-mortar stores - doesn't appear to have a dealer.  

I've decided to add a sub into my Maggie .7 setup, in this case a Rythymik L12 which I've been reading good things about in various circles.  This is not to say that they're lacking in bass but my room is 14X24 and I sit about 10 feet away. The Rythymik is a whopping $539 shipped - a price I find to be a worthy small investment. 


At slightly higher levels than I usually listen at the .7's are just wonderful.  Timbre, mids, all there and remarkably clean. Bass is tight, defined, not at all what I define as "tuned" or "voiced", but on some Ray Brown (jazz bassist) I clearly missed the lower registers. Wind and string instrument clarity is almost unsettling - as in "how did Tom Waits get in the house" unsettling. All good. 

I've had them 2 feet from the rear wall, with experiments pointing to 3 feet as being the best to my ears. They're about 8 feet apart with very minor toe-in.  Tweeters on the outside as suggested and as I have had my previous Maggies positioned. Fortunately they are relatively light-weight so jacking them around is very easy and I can move them back alongside my rack when not listening. Either I'm a little more forgiving of positioning or the .7's are; I find the separation and sweet spot not so tight as  to require a satellite GPS to find.  

My amp is a Primare A34.2 class D design. 150 into 8 ohms, "almost" 300 into 4 ohms which, (Primare's response to my inquiry since the manual nor the website didn't offer the info.) for my listening levels and lifelong record of never blowing so much as a fuse, is sufficient. My pre is a B. A. T. VK3i. I like tubing the front end. 

As with Thiel, Magnepan makes you re-listen to the music in your collection, even explore new artists previously overlooked or forgotten.  Within my budget either brand is a worthwhile investment. 

I'll update this a bit when I incorporate the sub. 
