Magnepan ribbons problems

I've been using a pair of MG3.5 since 9 years, and though they've been performing superbly, I keep getting ribbon rupture problems. Due to the lack of local dealership, I've been doing the repairs myself, using their repair kit, but has anyone else encountered such problems ? I need to change 2-3 ribbons every year.

One of the speakers I'm considering upgrading to is the MG20.1, but I'm concerned about the tweeter. It's a right pain in the neck to change it.

Showing 1 response by tireguy

I am a big advocate for fuse bypass, but in a case like your get high quality fuse holders and fast blow fuses of the appropriate value. You should blow a fuse before you blow the tweeter.

Have you ever replaced the tweeters or just repaired them? If you just repair them, try getting new tweeters from magnepan and make sure your fuses are right. If you have any other problems you have a big problem some where else. Do you use vinyl? a big static charge could potentially blow a ribbon. I have played my fuse bypassed maggies(3.6R's) incredibly loud and NEVER had any problems what so ever.