Magnepan or Martin Logan

so which one is better CLS-2z or MG 3.6R anyone?

Showing 1 response by rsa

Jack. I look at this site often and I find it amazing when people ask "which is better". It's like asking "Which is better Hanes or Fruit of the Loom". Its all a matter of fit and your ear.Have you ever walked into a Hi Fi store and someone is listening to a set of speakers that they just think are the best thing since sliced bread but that you would only play in your garage. I have listened to almost the whole line in the speaker that you are asking about. My advise is to find a GOOD dealer,one that will hopefully let you take them home and try them. Speakers always sound different at home. A/B the 2 brands and then decide by what you like. You might want to get advise from a good dealer as far as associated equipment! Good Luck!