Magnepan LRS Support Group?!

I ordered a pair of LRS a couple weeks ago. Backorder time is 6 months! I don't know if anybody else is feeling the uncomfortable longing after ordering theirs? How are you passing the time? I'm kidding (I guess), but I've never had to wait 6 months for a new toy! Let me know if you're also re-reading the reviews that made you take the plunge and planning your listening space alterations. Maybe some of you who have gotten a pair recently can keep us sane by sharing your experience with what we are waiting patiently for. Thanks!


Showing 7 responses by peterf6

@b_limo thanks for the recommendation and for your comment about liking the LRS. I think the size and price of the LRS is best for my current purposes, but we'll see if I trade up down the road.

@ejlif that is the kind of reaction that I'm hoping will keep my patience up! Interesting to hear about the amp pairing, too. Enjoy, and thank you for sharing!

@russ69 Thanks! My dedicated listening room is tiny, but coincidentally almost the same size that Herb Reichert used for his review. Mine's 9.5 x15 feet, so I'll have to fiddle with your suggested measurements! If they don't work there, I'll put them in the living room where there's more square footage.

@glennewdick thanks for that info. They raised the price $100 from what they were (my order was $750), so I guess they're getting something extra. I also heard that the factory is experiencing the same challenge as a lot of places hiring staff to meet the demand. Did you order them with a year wait? I feel for you!


Thanks @jasonbourne52 for the advice. In the stereophile review measurements, John Atkinson echoed what @russ69 says above: "Interpreting the measured performance of a panel loudspeaker such as the Magnepan LRS is far from straightforward. Overall, however, the LRS appears to be capable of well-balanced sound,..." I have other speakers and have always wanted to try Magnepans. Fingers crossed. 

Hi @rop45 , I won't have mine for months so can't help. There are a lot of reviews you might check out. LOL! @secretguy -- I just moved and am basically in listening without regard to sound. Still looking forward to tweeking in 5 months.