Magnepan Crossover Mod Approach?

Want to have the crossover on my 1.7's modded; the question though is how do you get to the crossover parts in the bottom of the speaker ? Does the black cover come off? My modder is trying to avoid simply cutting a hole in the back of a speaker cover fabric.

Any input is appreciated?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark

Showing 3 responses by jaymark

Thanks for your responses, cautions, and emails. The input is very much appreciated.
There is nothing that I really dislike about the speakers. I had my boehringer outboard x-over rebuilt for my emerald physic CS 3 speakers and they improved considerably. I am pursuing a bit more top end extension and transparency; the mod can be reversed without damaging the speakers the way we are planning on doing it.

The speakers are in a large room ~ 2200 square feet They are 5 feet out from the walls and there are no near lateral walls.
Josh - I have not considered moving up to the 3.6 or 3.7; I can certainly go and listen to them at a local dealer near me and hear the latest model. Thanks for the suggestion.