Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps

I know the Magnepans are not very efficient and most of the amps that are usually paired with these speakers are not to my licking.

I own the Bob Carver Raven mono block amps; Will these amps provide sufficient power for the Magnepans? They are rated at 350 RMS at 8 ohms and 400 at 4 ohms, but they are tubed so that may matter.

I was considering either the 3.7i or the 20.7.



Showing 1 response by russ69

Those could be a very good match. As long as you play at reasonable volumes (no rock concerts at full steam) you should be more than OK. Tubes and Maggies are very special but they can stress even the finest amps. It may turn out to be a very special system if it meets your listening requirements. BTW, what preamp are you using....I'm starting to get jelly.....