
is Magnepan out of business??  or whats going on,  zero supply on the web site..


Showing 1 response by p05129

I’m surprised they are still in business. When the 30.7’s were coming out, I called and talked to Wendell about the 30.7’s and he told me people were buying these sight unseen and he was trying the hard sell on the 30.7’s. I told him, they would have to be 2-4x better than the 20.x’s (I actually prefer the 20.1’s over the .7’s), and he told me they would be much better. I attended a tour stop for the 30.7’s and they sounded like sh$t. Even my magnapan owners were surprised they sounded this bad. There a dozens and dozens of speakers I would rather have that cost 1/10 to 1/3 the cost of the 30.7’s. Btw: I wouldn’t own the 20.1’s either but they sounded much better than the 30.x’s.