Magnepan 1.7 i - Amp suggestions

Dear Amigos !

Once again thank you for all your Help last time helping me to decide on some Speakers ! Very valuable !

I finally did get the Magnepan´s 1.7. With the kind help from Peru´s Magnepan Distributor I had them built at the Magnepan Factory and shipped directly to Santiago, CHILE.

They are sitting in my music room !!

Now I need to put them into working status...very eager !

Could you please help me with some Amp alternatives ? to drive them .

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


Regarding the Van Alstine 400R--tried that with the 1.7's years ago and sent it back. On paper it looked to be a great match but in listening, I way preferred a Marantz integrated! Was never able to relax and let the music wash over me in a way the less expensive Marantz did.
Interesting. I almost bought the 400R for my .7s but instead opted for Exposure 3010S2 monoblocks. I too was able to get very decent sound from a mid-tier integrated but the Exposures are a nice upgrade with plenty of drive. 

I am surprised by your results though, as Van Alstine is a big proponent of robust power supplies. 
Ok I’ll add my experience with Maggies and amps. My 3.7is were driven by the indefatigable Sanders Magtech and I'm now using the LRS's in my bedroom system with psaudio M 600s. Maggies love current! Good luck 👍
You might want to consider the Red Dragon class D mono blocks, a lot of bang for the buck and gobs of power.  I'm driving my 20.1s with M1000 mono blocks and they sound excellent.  You should also look at the M500 as a 500 watt option.  Early class D had some issues, but the new gear with improved circuitry sounds great and is quite happy driving a 4ohm load that the Maggie's require. 

I had several different amplification units with the Maggie 1.6, 3.6, and 20.  The ARC, Bryston, and several other separates were all good with their variations.  A surprising unit with these was the early Magnum Dynalab 208 was very enjoyable to listen to and had the bonus of a good FM section....not the end all, but quite good. 

Good success with your journey. 

Recently, I visited my local High End Audio Dealer to audition the Magnepan 1.7i speakers.  The dealer set up the speakers in a system using a Prima Luna Evo 200 tubed integrated amp to drive speakers.  To my surprise, the Evo 200 drove the speakers to high volume levels with ease and authority, from top to bottom.  And the sound was unbelievable!!!  Apparently, the Evo is a very high current amp which produced great bass response with the Maggie 1.7i's.  I was so impressed by the magical and sublime sound produced by this combo that I purchased the Maggie 1.7i speakers,but, bumped up to the higher powered Evo 400 for a little more power.  But, in my moderately sized room, the Evo 200 would have been enough to get the job done nicely.  Maggie ribbons and tubes are a match made in heaven.