Magnepan 1.6 speakers

I am currently using a cambridge audio 840w amp. My question is has anyone gone from a two channel amp to monoblocks with this speaker ? Was there a huge improvement ? Is it worth the extra money to do this ?

Showing 2 responses by maplegrovemusic

The cambridge stays. No need to defend it . I will be using it for many years to come.It is a high current amp. The question is about the advantages of adding a second amp, Regardless of what brand.
It is indeed high current . I realized this when i went to upgrade the power cord. It is not a standard cord. The guys at Zu Audio called it a high current "Hubble" cord when i ordered one. I want to say i am very ,very happy with everything in my system. This is why i asked the question on spending the money for a second amp. My main thought is, the first 30 watts are in class A mode with the Cambridge amp. Adding another amp may keep it in class A at medium volumes since the amps wont be required to do as much work.