Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?

Showing 4 responses by ricred1

"We" can't isolate the speakers, we're listening to a system. So, my answer is based on the overall sound. I've listened to Magico S5, S3 mkii, A3, and M2 speakers in various systems. I prefer the systems I've heard the Vivid Giya G1 and Von Schweikert VR55 speakers over the systems I've heard with Magico, to include the M2 speakers.
I believe dznutz, because I owned three different speakers from a very popular company(not Magico) and finally decided they weren't for me. I think as you grow in this hobby you make different choices. 


I agree it's about context and it would be helpful if he filled in the details. 

I've listened to A5, S3(including the latest), S5, M3, and M6 speakers. It's beyond silly that anyone would think that there's one speaker that will appeal to all.